Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Currently!

I almost forgot it was July this morning, until I stepped outside and felt that July heat! The summer is flying by! The beginning of a new month means time for Farley's Currently!

Back in the day, I was a HUGE Boy Meets World Fan. As soon as I heard they were making a spin off this summer, (Girls Meets World) I knew I had to watch it. I am watching the first two episodes online right now. It is pretty similar to the original, which I like. They are a little over the top goofy, but sometimes you need that. Mr. Feeny even made a small cameo in the first episode!

Summer vacation is amazing! It is a little hard to believe that it has only been one week! So far, I have been catching up on all the doctors appointments I put off during the year. It has been nice turning off that alarm, though! I am looking forward to many upcoming summer plans!

Last week I went to Las Vegas for the first time. I had a great time, but it was so hot! 100+ is out of control! I liked seeing the strip, but gambling wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be. I guess I just don't enjoy throwing my money away! Now, maybe if I actually won, it would be another story!

Like many places in the U.S. this year, we pretty much skipped Spring weather. It just jumped to insanely hot. 90 degree weather just isn't for me. The humidity is the real killer, though. I wish it would just stay in the 70s all the time!

My sister is getting married in August. As the maid of honor, I am planning the shower and bachelorette party, which are both this month. The bachelorette party includes a few winery tours in Lexington, Kentucky and is pretty much all planned. The shower invitations have been sent, the location set, and the menu planned. I just need to work on the decorations.

4th Plans
For the long weekend, I have a good friend visiting all the way from Ohio! I am really excited! I am trying to plan out all the Jersey/Philadelphia must sees for her. We also have to go to a holiday parade and fireworks! She comes on Thursday, and I can't wait!

I can't wait to see what everyone else is up to!


  1. WOW, I didn't know that Girl Meets World already had episodes available. I guess I know how I am spending my morning!

  2. My kids are watching Girl meets World and I made them watch a few episodes of the original ;)
    Good luck with your sisters wedding!

  3. I'm enjoying my summer, too. I am not a gambler at all. I love math and figuring out the odds of winning anything. I don't like throwing away money either. Have a great time with your friend.
    Artistry of Education

  4. Oh I heard they were bringing that show back and I need to go and watch it. It was one of my favorites along with Full House!

    Head on over to my blog and check out my new teacher planner! I am also doing a giveaway!

    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

  5. Oh I missed Girl Meets World when it it was on the other night and then completely forgot about it. I'll be watching it online soon, thanks for the reminder! And enjoy your holiday weekend! :o)

  6. I have to go watch GMW stat! What channel is it on!?


  7. I liked the new version too-I thought the actress who plays their daughter was perfectly cast. I 'm glad it means kids may rediscover the old series, it's a good one! I'm with you on the heat-I still have to get up early to walk my dog because it just gets unbearable so quickly! Your sister's wedding sounds very exciting! :)

    Not Just Child's Play

  8. It's always fun when friends come to visit! Enjoy your 4th of July!


  9. I really want to watch Girl Meets World!! Now I know they're online, I'll have to try. We cancelled cable, so I couldn't catch them on tv. Is it bad that that's the first show I'm heartbroken that we're missing? Enjoy your 4th and all of that pre-wedding fun!!

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late

  10. I planned a baby shower in the spring, boy was that a lot of work, but it was all worth it! I'm sure that your sister is going to love and appreciate all of your hard work in planning her shower & party! Have a wonderful 4th of July!

    Ms. Hamm's First Grade Funland


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