Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Currently

It may be March, but it still feels like spring is a long way away. We have another snow storm coming our way this week. I am over the winter! Anyways, at least we have Farley's Currently!

I am addicted to House of Cards. This season started off with a bang. I literally screamed at the TV. If you don't watch it, you need to!

I ran a 5k this morning with a friend from work. She said she was "slow," but she was lying! I was chasing her the whole time, but that led to a great PR for me! I came in 5th for my age group and 17th overall!

We are going to the Cheesecake Factory tonight to use a gift card. I am already thinking about delicious food, especially cheesecake. I think I am in the mood for the Smores Cheesecake. It is amazing!

A two-hour delay would be really nice on Monday, NOT another Snow Day. I do not want to go to school any longer in June! It is going to be so hot!

If you read this post carefully, you can probably figure out what was 8:55 today! :)

Can't wait to see what everyone else is up to!


  1. I love your currently!! Congrats on the 5K, they're so much fun!!! I need to get back in to them! :) I will pray for some warmer weather your way!!! Hope you have a great rest of your day!!! If 8:55 was your time, that's remarkable!!! :)
    Mrs. Thomas's Kinder

  2. Popping in from Farley's link-up! Congrats on placing 5th in your age group! OMG, I could not do that so I think it's amazing! Great job!

    Miss Galvin Learns

  3. I found your blog on Farley's link-up, and it is very cute! Congrats on your 5k time today, that is so awesome! I have two coming up in May and I am really trying to push myself to do well! Enjoy The Cheescake Factory tonight, you deserve it!
    Miss Crafty Teacher

  4. Bring me some of that cheesecake!! 8:55 was your time? As in minutes? Because it would take me 8 days!!!


  5. Awesome 5K - way to go!!!!!!!!! Good for you running through this tough winter. I am right there with you about losing anymore school days to snow. I'd love to get back to running outside. 8:55 is a great mile time - those days are well behind me now. Maria

  6. Congratulations on your 5K results. I have been walking diligently every day in the month of February. I think preparing for a 5K might be in sight.

  7. Congrats on your 5K. That's a great time!! ;-) From the looks of your instagram, I'm guessing you weren't in school yesterday. We're out again today. I think we'll all be thrilled when spring is officially here!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  8. Good for you! I'm so impressed by runners!

    Not very fancy


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