Saturday, February 1, 2014

February Currently and the Giveaway Winners!

January felt like it was never going to end. Probably had something to do with the horrible weather! I am ready for February and trying to be optimistic about the weather!

I know I am a little behind the times, but I finally started watching Downton Abbey during our snow days. I am officially hooked. Season 2 really pulled me in. Don't tell me anything though! I am only just starting season 3.

I am so pleased with how well the giveaway went this week! I am thankful that so many teacher bloggers volunteered to help. I could not have done it without them! Speaking of which...the winners are....
a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

For once, it is actually nice outside. It is around 50 degrees finally! Earlier this week we were in the single digits. Unfortunately, it is not going to stay. They are predicting more snow this week. I am ready for Spring. It isn't any fun when you have to make up ALL of your snow days!

I could use a nap right about now. Since the weather was amazing, I squeezed in a 10.7 mile run this morning. The 0.7 really took me to the edge there! My legs feel like jelly right now! Even though I put the treadmill on an incline, it never compares to the real-life hills.

We had to reschedule our Title 1 parent night because of snow. I need to get back in the groove of planning. Everything is ready. It's just been so long, that I need to review all the information!

2 Truths and a Fib:
1. Truth - I do have an article coming out in The Reading Teacher. It should be coming out within the next couple of issues. It just went through the final editing stages!
2. Truth -I was actually on the synchronized swimming team in college. I thought it would be a fun adventure...and it was! One year was enough though. The chlorine is tough on your eyes, and you have to put unflavored gelatin in your hair instead of hairspray. The costumes are fun though!
3. Fib - I do not have a twin sister. My sister is one year older than me. When we were kids, people did think we were twins though! 

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is up to!


  1. What! You didn't tell me you had an article coming out!!! That's amazing! I'm so excited to read it.

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  2. Congratulations on the article for The Reading Teacher! I'm going to have to look for it! You and I both want a nap...thankfully it is almost bed time!

  3. Oh My! I want to tell you everything that happens in Season 3! So cool about your article...that's awesome! Thats a bummer about your snow days....we have to make up three so far.
    A Burst of First

  4. The weather has made it the least fun January in memory in terms of getting outside. Our students had outdoor recess only 4 times all month! February has to be better!

    The Math Maniac

  5. So jealous that you're watching Downton Abbey. I really need a marathon (I've only seen the first episode and loved it), but that requires time alone to watch it. Love your truths and a fib! How exciting that you're going to be in the Reading Teacher! I think synchronized swimming is fascinating, and that's so awesome that you were actually on a team!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!


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