Sunday, April 7, 2013

Summer Book Club!

I hope everyone is resting up and ready for the week ahead! Just a little post tonight. I know I am thinking quite a bit ahead, but I thought it might be fun to organize a little summer book club. We could do a professional book, a children's/young adult book to use in the classroom, or an adult fiction book just for fun! If you are interested, fill out the form below. The more specific you are on the form, the better the group will meet your interests.

Looking forward to hearing everyone's responses!


  1. Awesome idea! Sounds like a lot of fun. I love to read- my librarians get to know me reaaaal well over the summer!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  2. What a great idea- Am I right in assuming it's an online bookclub? I'm in New Zealand so it would be a bit hard to make meetings otherwise haha!

    I've just started following you as I teach year six in New Zealand which is equivalent to fifth grade :)

    I'm looking forward to sharing some good things!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem


Thank you for the comment! I love hearing what you think!